The day BF arrives in your country, will be the day all future preparations change from safe to dangerous.Going out in public will be both a risk to you and a perceived threat to others.
It takes between 2 hours and 10 days to die of BF.
Governments in South East Asia, including Australia, have agreed to donate drug stocks to each other in the event of an outbreak. When have governments thought and acted so fast?
The drug Tamiflu recalled from chemists by the Australian government and has reputedly been sent to another country. So the bells are ringing. Some countries have enough drugs for up to 25% of their population. The hangers at Sydney airport are to be converted into hospitals.
There are 3 ways to protect yourself:
1: Anti viral medication after you have caught the H5N1 virus and been diagnosed by a laboratory test.
2: Isolation.
3: Natural remedies.
The last 2 are closer aligned to "natural selection" than blasting away at each aliment with drugs so don't despair if you have no drugs.
BF mutates "on the fly" so drugs may be useless anyway.
Kick in Plan B.
A:Drugs.Do not use anti-viral drugs as a defense against catching flu, because you "think" you have BF or just to stop a common cold. This lets the virus see its enemy and work around it. The drug Tamiflu is said to be already loosing its effectiveness due to improper use. Do not use anti- viral drugs unless you are confirmed to have avian flue by hospital test.
An alternative prescription defense is Relenza. However it is said to be a difficult drug to take and taking a difficult drug while sick would best be done in hospital. It's also probably out of stock.
I know nothing of SYMMETREL but it may also be known as: Amantadine, Mantandan, Mantadix, Virofral
Internet drugs are often counterfeit. The danger from TB once thought to be almost extinct is on the rise due to "cut" drugs, manufactured in India, being sold Africa. We hope the Indian health minister is enjoying his alleged new Bently.
Taking a half strength drug is probably worse than not taking a drug at all as the virus will build its own defense to the drug and then kill your Doctor, nurse and family as well as you.
About Vira 38, There appears to be no clinical research published in reputable journals showing that Vira 38 works against influenza. Even though the site reads well. Maybe it cures jock itch and snake bite as well.
B: Isolation.
Isolation is the real key for most people after the stock of anti-viral drugs held by governments run out .
B1: Personal protection.
B2: Physical isolation.
B3: Feral bird discouraging and reduction.
B1: Personal protection.Get very high quality face masks, gloves and goggles before the shortage happens during a pandemic. Most face masks that will be available during the pandemic will not be nearly as good and all the sick people will be in the same shop as you.
Hey, would you be selling to sick people, who couldn't get their act together when it was safe, despite all the warnings?
The 3M N100 and P100 face masks last 150 hours.
Get sealed goggles or safety glasses or some other eye gear that reduces the odds that airborne virus droplets will hit your eyes.
The flu virus stays active on hard surfaces for two hours or so, (door handles , money, goods, cards etc.) half hour on hands, can infect through eyes, nose, mouth, ears, re-infect from tissues and spread a metre by sneeze. Get a personal spray and keep filled with Hydrogen Peroxide at gargling strength.
If you want to go the extra mile to protect yourself get a respirator (which will be in short supply) and also get some antibiotics to deal with secondary infections.
B2: Physical isolation.
Be prepared to wait out the virus, in a non air-conditioned and non-common vented place. Expect to be isolated for over one month. If it hits all work will cease.
Only the foolish will go to work, and only the stupid will enter a building or train.
The first few days after the first case is diagnosed in your country will be when the virus will spread suburb to suburb via evelavator, plane, train, bus and car.
In the following weeks it will spread neighbor to neighbor.
Lock your door. Tape it shut. Put a small amount of bleach down the sink, toilet and floor wastes daily.
Water, power and gas may not be available if people start dropping like flies.
Fires will be as big a killer.
The great fire of London occurred during a plague when people were unable or unwilling to help. Buy food you do not have to cook.
Water supplies may mot be chlorinated for long and birds dying in your local reservoir are a risk.
Get a small radio to listen for the all clear and a torch for emergencies. Torches may attract looters so think before you advertise your food stock. Get a basic first aid kit.
Stock up on essentials before BF day.
The supermarket may be a death sentence in terms of looters/flu/salmonella.
Stock pile per person:
2 liters of water per day 15L @ $5.49) x 4
Tinned steak and vegies, 400g @ $1.55 x 20
Full cream milk powder 1kg @ $5.95 x 4
Multi vitamins x 30 tabs @ $ 15.00
Packet muesli 750g @ $3.00 X 3
Tinned fruit salad 700g @ $ 1.90 x 15
Tinned baked beens 440g @ $0.66 x 4
Tinned sardines in oil 225g @ $0.49 x 10
Tinned tomatoes 400g @ $0.66 x 5.
Dried fruit 750g @ $ 3.15 x 2
Bleach 2L @ $2.15
Gaffer tape
Toilet paper rolls @ $3.00 x 4
Total bill $120 to $200 per person including the medical equipment.
Nothing in terms of your health.
B3: Feral bird discouraging and reduction.
Ring/email/post your local radio, TV and local, state and federal government rep's, requesting:
The eradication of feral bird populations.
The outlawing of feeding feral birds.
The netting of urbane local water supplies, waste transfer stations and garbage tips.
The separation of pet birds from native birds by solid surfaces and double netting.
C: Natural remedies.
Garlic and Ginger are easily obtainable anti virals.
BF acts by overproduction of inflammatories, virtually drowning the victim. Anti inflammatory herbals are available, common ones being; ginger, curcumin from turmuric, basil, dandelion.
The mineral supplement selenium has been shown to reduce severity of flu and other very serious viral diseases.
Don't forget vit C every two hours if infected either.
Great Plague, London, 1665: 20% dead
Black plague, Europe, 1747 :66% dead
Spanish flu, World, 1918 : 50,000,000 dead
Ring around the rosies
a pocketful of posies
atishoo, atishoo we all fall down
That's a lot to digest.
Anonymous, at 8:40 PM
Thanks for the rundown on supplies.
God help us all.
Anonymous, at 8:41 PM
Did YOU get some of that Tamiflu?
Anonymous, at 8:41 PM
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