1st day with computer...and I tried the AOL chat rooms...
I asked the question, if Enoch and Elijah are the 2 witnesses and are killed... does that make Mary the only person never to die?(Catholic)
7 ROOMS with so called Catholics in them... NO ANSWER.
I dont have to agree with their answers, but why NO ANSWER?
I wonder if the Jehovah Witnesses REALIZE that to be 1 of the 144K you have to be male and never have had sex and that only 12K will come from the USA (12K from each tribe).
TO THE JEWS: by what means will you get into heaven? How will your sins be reedeemed?(WITHOUT A TEMPLE I DONT THINK YOU HAVE SACRIFICED A LAMB TO COVER YOUR SINS FOR EACH YEAR OF YOUR LIFE.)
TO THE MUSLIMS: by what means will your sins be covered? Does ALLAH have a way? He must be a different god than mine...for my God has no need to try and re-create this world with the likes of virgins for heavenly times.
HERE'S A FABLE....JESUS walked into a town where a blind man was. He touched the man and he was healed. In the next city he spat and rubbed mud on his eyes and the man was healed.
In the 3rd city he had the man bathe and the man was healed. THUS started the 3 great religions of our time, church of TOUCH, church of SPIT & RUB, and the ever-so-great church of church of BATHE,----------WE MAKE VOID THE WORD OF GOD BY OUR TRADITIONS!!
religious traditions
I'm looking forward to hitting the chat rooms with you! LOL
Adam Bomb, at 10:44 PM
Bible story true
-das make no sense
Anonymous, at 4:53 PM
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