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- I have read many blog posts sympathizing with Islam and their "religion"! They are attempting to pull the wool over the world's eyes! AWAKE! I BLOG FOR ALL OF THE PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS IN THIS WORLD...HOLD FAST MY BROTHERS and SISTERS AGAINST THIS EVIL PERCOLATING OUT OF ISLAM! And for the well informed but un-knowing bloggers out here...this is happening RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW!
Check out the truth and AWAKE!
"There is a growing worldwide war against Christianity. Last year, over 160,000 Christians were killed for their faith. Christians have been beaten, imprisoned and killed for the crime of being a Christian in Red China.
In Sudan, Christians have been bombed, massacred and sold into slavery. In Indonesia, Muslim mobs have wiped out entire villages of Christians, burning down many hundreds of churches.
Christians have been targeted and assassinated in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Missionaries in various parts of the world have been kidnapped, murdered and, in India, even burned alive by a mob of Hindu militants.
It is calculated that over 42 million Christians died at the hands of Anti-Christian governments, mostly Communist Regimes, in the 20 th Century alone.
In Zimbabwe, just in 2005, hundreds of Christian churches were bulldozed or burned by army and police, prayer meetings were broken up, women beaten and hospitalized for praying for peace, pastors arrested for “subversive prayers” and churches raided by police. In Cuba, many House Churches have been attacked, with pastors arrested and imprisoned.
However, it is not only in Communist and Muslim lands that Christians are facing persecution. Christians in Europe and North America are facing not only ridicule and hostility in the media, but increasingly they are being restricted, intimidated and harassed by legislation and judicial pronouncements.
This trend towards silencing Christians is real. Christians are being labeled, ridiculed, blamed, and legislated against. There is an irrational fear and hatred of Christianity growing in all too many countries today.
READ ARTICLE HERE: Christian Persecution
JOHN 15:18-19
“If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you.”
Awesome topic, we need more like this. It really yerks me that the muslims are really trying to make Islam appealing, people are getting killed for leaving Islam because they'd run to Jesus! Even to say that you can be pro Islam and Pro Christian isn't being christian at all. Christ didn't come for us to be fence sitters, We're not to have any other god's or idols!
Jesus is amazing!
On a lighter note, For a chance to win my Blog Explosion credits, leave a comment on my blog... there's no catch
Bless you
Mikestar, at 4:03 AM
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Anonymous, at 4:14 AM
The above post was deleted by www.bibletruthonline.com becasue they were attempting to advertise on this site.
www.bibletruthonline.com, at 7:33 PM
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