Christian Persecution in Burma
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Let us re-state a fundamental fact: Christianity IS THE MOST persecuted religion!
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Here is a story of Christian persecution from Burmanese BUDDHIST leaders!!
BURMA (ASSIST News Service)
Burma's military dictatorship has launched a new wave of attacks against predominantly Christian Karen villages, as reported by Christian Newswire on behalf of Christian Freedom International (CFI). "In Burma this time of year is known locally as the 'killing season' and this year is no exception," said the CFI story. "During the dry season soldiers can move easier in the dense jungles of Burma, and this year the military junta has stepped up its genocidal attacks on the Karen, an ethnic minority in Burma." More than 700 displaced men, women and children recently arrived in Ko Kay village. "When the new soldiers arrived in Toungoo and Nyaunglebin districts, they spread their soldiers around the area. They try to find Karen villages. If they see the villagers, they try to capture and persecute them. Therefore, people who are living there dare not face the Burma army. They fled their villages and are hiding in the mountainside and jungle in safe places to save their lives," said Aro. This is creating a humanitarian emergency. Aro is reported to have said, "The Burmese came and destroyed everything so all the villagers having nothing to eat and cannot grow food for the year."
Pray God will comfort His suffering people with His presence and strength in these evil days. Pray Christians worldwide will respond to the needs of our brothers and sisters in Burma. Pray the Holy Spirit will move powerfully to remove these twisted Buddhist leaders from power.
The Burmese government targets people of all faiths, even Buddhists. Unfortunately, refugees from Burma have recently been caught up in our own governments beauracracy, and are being rejected for resettlement due to vague definitions of terrorism in the Patriot Act. You can help by signing this petition:
Which asks the department of homeland security to clarify the clause in order to allow refugees asylum.
And the rulers in Burma are Buddhist, not Islamic.
Tara, at 3:42 PM
Thanks for the correction Tara!
We assumed that they were Islamic, so we will change the prayer to reflect the need to remove these twisted Buddhists. No worries, this week there were 6 more stories of Christian persecution of which 4 were Islamic, 1 Atheist (Communist China), and 1 Buddhist.
By, at 5:08 PM
Well, you're certainly free to pray as you see fit - however, the oppression which occurs in Burma is not necessarily tied ot religion. The leaders are Buddhist - but so are 60% of the citizens, certainly very few approve of the junta. I think its fair to say the Generals are just crazy megalomaniacs - they put more stock in the predictions of astrologers than any teachings of the Buddha.
But it's your blog, so I don't want to argue the finer points here!
Tara, at 8:30 PM
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