10 Questions for Evolutionists (Part 3)
Ok..Ok..we'll give the Evolutionist only 1 question to answer this time:
Why do Evolutionists believe that they will find transitional fossils
that will fully explain the origins of the Platypus?
(This cartoon is from 1967!)
Why do Evolutionists believe that they will find transitional fossils
that will fully explain the origins of the Platypus?
(This cartoon is from 1967!)

- Platypuses range in body length from 30–80 cm (12–32 inches) and weigh from about 1–10 kg (2–22 pounds)
- they feed mainly on insect larvae, small crayfish, tadpoles and other aquatic animals, and breed once a year;
- in captivity, they have an enormous appetite, able to eat the equivalent of half or more of their own body weight in a single day;
- they have teeth when they are young, which are shed before the animal becomes an adult, and are replaced by horny pads;
- their posture resembles that of reptiles, especially lizards;
- they have no external ears;
- they have cheek pouches in which food is stored until it can be chewed;
- webbing on the hind feet reaches to the base of the claws, and on the front feet beyond the claws, making extra large paddles for swimming;
- males have a sharp, movable, horny, poison ‘spur’ on the inner side of each hind limb near the heel. It is about 15 mm (0.6 in) long.
Source: Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th edition, 23:353–355, 1992.
A Beaver tail!
Suckles young AND LAYS EGGS!
Reptile shoulder girdle!
Cheek pouches like a monkey!
Retractable webbed feet similar to an otter!
Duck bill!
Snake like fang on hind limb!
There is NOTHING in the fossil record to indicate that the platypus was ever anything other than a platypus. It is not a living ‘transitional’ form. It is a truly unique creature, and one that continues to baffle those who insist on making it fit into an evolutionary tree.
Technorati:evolution,creationism,evolution debate,intelligent design debate
Umm, go and read this:
Like all creationists you don't bother to check too deeply into your facts.
Anonymous, at 11:07 PM
WOW! Like most Evolutionists...you pass me an article from the Wikipedia that contains a couple of ideas and pawn them off as fact!
Only truth in that article is that there are TWO THEORIES MAYBE explaining where the Platypus MIGHT HAVE COME FROM. GEEZ...give me a break! (I take it science was not one of your majors?)
John H, at 7:32 AM
"In 2004, researchers at the Australian National University discovered the Platypus has ten sex chromosomes, compared to two (XY) found in most other mammals (for instance, a male platypus is always XYXYXYXYXY). Furthermore, one of the platypus’s Y chromosomes shares genes with the ZZ/ZW sex chromosomes found in birds. This news has further pronounced the individuality of the Platypus amongst the animal kingdom, and a target for further research into evolutionary links between mammals, birds and reptiles"
This "anonymous" guy hopefully doen't represent Evolutionists because he not only sends a link on Wikipedia information BUT failed to read the article he sent!
The article "anonymous" sent states:"This news has further pronounced the individuality of the Platypus amongst the animal kingdom"
Does this guy know how to read?
Anonymous, at 10:10 AM
I didn’t see a question in there, but I take it that the question would be something like: if X is a transitional fossil, why don’t we have evidence of it? The answer would be something like, “They haven’t found it yet.”
Of course, just because we don’t have evidence of one particular transitional form doesn’t falsify all the ones we apparently do possess. We’d be equally mistaken to think that the absence of evidence for a particular historical claim in Scripture renders the whole thing historically unreliable.
Anonymous, at 3:28 PM
Probably not. Logical reasoning doesn't seem to run too deeply in the minds of Evolutionists. All they have to offer are theories that go against scientific and real-life observation based upon a faith that defies logic and laws of nature.
Maybe the platypus evolved the same way reptiles grow feathers or explosions create order and complexity.....
Adam Bomb, at 7:59 PM
Evolution does not exist. Yet adaptations do, so become descendants from the origanal creatures GOD created.
-Marc Johnson
Anonymous, at 1:21 PM
Adam Bomb, at 7:26 PM
I think the claim that 'no transitional fossils exist anywhere' is clearly false. To give a recent example, consider tiktaalik roseae (http://tiktaalik.uchicago.edu/).
Anonymous, at 9:51 PM
I don't see a question here either, but one might turn your "question" around and ask it another way... show me how the platypus, based on everything you just laid out about the creature, is an element of intelligent design???
FleshPresser, at 9:56 PM
Where is the question?
Steve, at 5:49 AM
www.bibletruthonline.com, at 6:41 AM
Ha Ha Ha. Your funny. Sorry but that proves nothing. Look at the actual fossil they found...THERE ARE NO LEGS ON IT!!!
All they found is a head and fins. Sorry but I dont buy it. And then what's even better is they make moldes and draw pictures of an imaginary creature. This is all they have fake molds and paper mache. I repeat....NO REAL INTERMEDIATE FOSSILS EXIST. If there was even one, just one, evolution would no longer be a theory but a fact....sorry it's not. And no credible scientist would ever make that claim. And if you read Darwin, he even admits that the fossil record is the biggest challenge to evolution. If they would have found a fossil of the Tetrapod, with the legs, that would be proof, but sorry they never will. Find me a fossil of a fish with legs and I will become a full fledge evolutionist.
Even IF this was something...are you telling me after a couple hundred years of archeological research, this is all they have? If we have been evolving for billions of years, we should be literally stumbling over intermediate fossils.
Adam Bomb, at 11:23 PM
LOL! To further prove my case go to the link mentioned above and click on the photos section. Click on the bottom picture, second to the furthest right. In the middle of the page that link has the subtitle:
"Life-sized models created by Tyler Keillor are painted and ready to ship off to various museums in the U.S. and Canada."
This is all you will find in museums, FAKE MODELS OF FAKE INTERMEDIATE FOSSILS.
Adam Bomb, at 11:59 PM
nice facts man!!! interesting blog here...It got me addicted on reading it.. Keep it up.. leave me some comment too at my blog InvernoKL wanna have ur words on it.. :p take care, xian
xianfu, at 6:41 AM
I must say,
have you ever thought of the theory of relativity? God could speed up time on earth, only feeling like a thousand years to him. SO YES, creation, and evolution can be one. For all we know God is, 'resting', not creating life, and answering prayes, and making life better on earth.
-Marc Johnson
Anonymous, at 5:03 AM
Hello Marc-
I'm not sure how the theory of relativity answers how a patypus is made via evolution. Where is the connection?
Adam Bomb, at 9:47 PM
Adam Bomb-
Here is how a connection is made with relativity. Time in heaven could be one day, but on earth a billion years has passed. For all we know, the world is only 100,000 years old, but radio carbon dating is flawed showing answers of the world being billions of years old.
Anonymous, at 7:51 PM
So how does a billion years make a platypus?
If we want to make guesses on no basis whatsoever, we can say the earth is 100,000 years old...
...if we want to use faulty carbon dating, we can guess-timate that the earth is billions of years old....
...but if we want to know the TRUTH, all we have to do is study the geaneologies of the Bible ....which leads us to 6,000 years.
If you're saying God made the platypus, then why does he need a billion years?
If your saying a platypus evolved in 1 billion years we'll....that's the point of this blog...where's the evidence in the fossil record?
1,000 years (in Earth time) is like 1 day (in Earth time) to God. There is no time in heaven. Time is measured by the orbit and rotation of planets (Genesis 1:14-19)...otherwise time is relative and does not exist. IF heaven IS NOT a planet rotating and orbiting... and IF there are no planets orbiting around heaven, then how can you say there is 1 day in heaven?
God could have used 1 billion years earth time, but He didn't. BECAUSE HE SAID SO.
Make sense?
The measure of carbon in our atmosphere and the thickness of the dust on the moon prove that we have a "young" solar system...but of course evolutionists wont talk about this.
Adam Bomb, at 2:32 PM
Well maybe God made the platypus to throw everyone off. Anyways in heaven it could feel like a day (Earth time), but a month passed on Earth. I just want to say I believe evolution, and creation are one. Or maybe after creation, all the chromosomes changing in organisms caused them to adapt different things which made everyone think evolution is true. I may post another comment, I'll read what Genesis says in the bible to see if anything shows evidence of creation and evolution being one.
Anonymous, at 3:13 PM
If chromosomes could adapt, then evolution would be true. But chromosomes dont have the ability to adapt nor have they ever adapted, therefore it is not. If they adapted before what stopped it? The enviroment cannot input new information into the genetic coding inside a cell. That would be like saying "the weather caused the numbers in the equation, that is written down in my note book, to restructure themselves into a new equation." Animals didn't adapt, but after the Flood, after the animals dispersed, the species best suited for a particular enviroment survived and the others died. The ones that didn't survive there, survived somewhere else....sort of like natural selection but not exactly survival of the fittest...more like survival of the most fitted to the enviroment. This is why you dont see Polar Bears in the mountains.
If you want to know if Evolution and Creation can be one, just compare the Evolution and Creation Models in the "Did God use Evolution" blog. They dont fit. As you study the Creation account be sure to ask the Holy Spirit to give you understanding.
Adam Bomb, at 9:07 PM
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