2 Peter 1:16-19
      (Week of August 6th)

Reading 1:
2 Pt 1:16-19
   We did not follow cleverly devised myths
   when we made known to you
   the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,
   but we had been eyewitnesses of his majesty.
   For he received honor and glory from God the Father
   when that unique declaration came to him from the majestic glory,
 “This is my Son, my beloved, with whom I am well pleased.”
   We ourselves heard this voice come from heaven
   while we were with him on the holy mountain.
   Moreover, we possess the prophetic message
   that is altogether reliable.
   You will do well to be attentive to it,
   as to a lamp shining in a dark place,
   until day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.

Let us look at several important truths in this reading from the 
Second Book of Peter. First, the very beginning of this reading 
contains the crux of faith within Christianity.
Are the Gospels and the New Testament books of the Bible fact 
or fiction? How many people are quick to say "I don't believe!" 
when they have not looked for themselves? 
How many call themselves Christians but in their heart have 
no idea who Jesus Christ is, and why he was crucified?
How many Christians and non-Christians know how many prophecies 
Jesus fulfilled, what the bloodlines of Jesus are, why Jesus 
is the Son of God, why Jesus is the Son of Man, and why Jesus 
is the "I AM" the Creator of all? 

As Peter answers the question of the unbeliever...
"These are not clever myths"...LOOK FOR YOURSELF. 
How many have looked? If you haven't looked, then how in
your heart can you jump to the conclusion that the testimony 
of the Apostles, of the disciples, and of Christians, is fantasy? 
If the Creator of all things really did come down here and 
lived among us 2,000 years ago...shouldn't you take some time 
out of your life to look for yourself and look at what Jesus said?

I was an unbeliever once myself, but sought the Truth because 
I wanted the Truth. 
Knock and the door will be opened...but you have to knock!

The second point to reflect on is when Peter said that they were 
eyewitnesses to the majesty of Jesus and heard with their very 
own ears a voice that "came from heaven". This wasn't one person 
that heard this...this was many people that heard it. Have you 
ever heard the voice of heaven?

These men walked with Jesus...I have no reason to disbelieve 
this than I have to believe it. But why wouldn't it be so? 
Why lie?
What gain do the Apostles have in lying? Couple this reading 
with the whole testimony in the New Testament, and faith begins 
to grow in what is recorded history. If this recorded history 
is not enough for you to believe...then ask yourself what would 
you require in order to believe?
What will make you believe that Peter and the Apostles are 
not liars? They are either liars or they are telling the truth. 
Either Jesus was the Son of God or He was not. But what do you 
need to decide for yourself?

I would think that if you watch the TV every night, you would 
care to take some time out of your busy life to find out...RIGHT? 

Jesus fulfills over 300 prophecies of the coming of the Messiah 
in the Jewish Old Testament...300! Do you want to know how Jesus 
fulfilled them??

The third point to reflect on is this: Let me tell you about the 
Truth Peter wrote about and died for. Peter states in the reading 
"we possess the prophetic message that is altogether reliable". 
Why was it reliable? Because they lived it, they saw it, they 
witnessed it!
Do you know how Peter died?

He died by crucifixion under the ruler Nero in the pagan Roman 
Empire. The Acts of Peter speak of him being crucified upside 
down in order not to be associated with the way the Messiah, 
Jesus died. Under the mockery of the pagans, this man, Peter, who 
denied Jesus before three times could have given up and denied 
Jesus again, couldn't he? He died by crucifixion for being an 
Apostle of Jesus, he could have denied him again to save his 
own life. He didn't. 

Would you? If I gave you something, and you know I gave it to you 
because you saw it, you heard my voice, and you know you where 
consciously alert at the time I gave it you and someone approached
you to state that you were a liar, what would you say? 
You would stick to your guns and stand your ground....
standing up for truth in the face of adversity. 

Now, if someone said to you that if you do not state that I never 
gave anything to you and if you don't say that, you will die....
would you still stick to your guns if you knew that this person 
had the ability to kill you? 
Peter was faced with this scenario and didn't deny Christ a fourth 
time...and he died for it...and was CRUCIFIED UPSIDE DOWN for it. 
What was so important to Peter that he died crucified upside down?

It was this: 
That Jesus was the Son of God , the Messiah, who died for you and 
will grant eternal life for those that have faith in Him...

If you don't understand who Jesus was, and why He should 
look, you should read the Bible, you should ask the questions, you 
should pray for guidance and truth...

For those who are growing in faith, I ask you this...
do you still seek to know more? Do you still seek the truth, 
do you still seek to grow in faith? 
Would you lay your life down for the Truth?

Would you lay your life down for Jesus? 

Let me repeat the end of this reading again:
"You will do well to be attentive to it,as to a lamp shining in a 
dark place,until day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts"

My final comment is this: The only way to eternal life is through 
Jesus. Ask the questions and you will get the answers...
seek and you shall find.

God bless you and your families this week.

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