There are Three Things... and Four... PROVERBS 30:18-20 18 There are three things which are too wonderful for me, Yes, four which I do not understand: 19 The way of an eagle in the air, The way of a serpent on a rock, The way of a ship in the midst of the sea, And the way of a man with a virgin. 20 This is the way of an adulterous woman: She eats and wipes her mouth, And says, "I have done no wickedness." Bizarre! 1. The way of an eagle in the air. EAGLE = GOD & AIR = SPIRITUAL A man's way with a woman spiritually, is: one man, one woman, one husband, one wife, two fleshes becoming one. Just as the hand and an eye are different, both are necessary for the body. THIS SENTENCE IS GOD'S PLAN! 2. The way of a serpent on a rock, SERPENT = SATAN & ROCK = THIS WORLD A lustful man who takes a lustful woman. Sex with a woman who is not a wife, and sex with a man who is not a husband. There is no way of telling which way they will skwirm on the rock. Any children resulting from this are bastardized and do not have parents. These children do not receive the lesson of God's plan. These "families" grow up like a body without a hand or like a face without an eye. THIS SENTENCE IS SATAN INFLUENCING MAN! 3. The way of a ship in the midst of the sea, SHIP = MAN & SEA = SPIRITUAL A man thinking only with his mind, trying to do the right thing and believing it is spiritual. These couples are caught between trying to choose the spiritual way and choosing the worldly way. They will either wind up folowing God's plan or being influenced by Satan. THIS SENTENCE IS MAN USING ONLY HIS MIND TO BE SPIRITUAL! 4. And the way of a man with a virgin. MAN = MAN & VIRGIN = SEX WITH A VIRGIN A man trying to be worldly and the man is unsure if he will follow God's plan. Man with virgin (not wife) equals worldly. This man is after sex, but the woman says: "I have done no wickedness". THIS SENTENCE IS MAN THINKING ONLY ABOUT THIS WORLD! THIS VERSE IS ABOUT: HOW A MAN TREATS A WOMAN WILL DETERMINE WHAT BECOMES OF THE WOMAN AND ULTIMATELY HOW GOD WILL TREAT THE MAN! "The way of an eagle in the air" "The way of a serpent on a rock" MAN FOLLOWING GOD'S PLAN + MAN FOLLOWING LUST + WOMAN FOLLOWING GOD= WOMAN FOLLOWING LUST= BOTH FOLLOWING GOD'S PLAN BOTH FOLLOWING SATAN LIKE AN EAGLE IN THE AIR LIKE A SERPENT ON A ROCK God's Blessing for both God's Curse for both "The way of a ship in the midst of the sea" "The way of a man with a virgin" MAN FOLLOWING HIS MIND= MAN AFTER SEX WITH VIRGIN + WOMAN LOST= VIRGIN WOMAN HAVING SEX WITH MAN= BOTH HAVE TO CHOOSE GOD OR SATAN MAN FOLLOWING ONLY THIS WORLD + LIKE A SHIP LOST AT SEA WOMAN FOLLOWING ONLY THIS WORLD Either God's Blessing or Curse WOMAN FEELS BLAMELESS AND SAYS SHE HAS DONE NO WRONG. A MAN ONLY AFTER A VIRGIN = God's Curse for the MAN Back to Bizarre Truth >>